Dr Areej Khataybeh - Spark Back

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My Story

Before I even knew that psychology science existed

I was 8-year-old when it all started

Growing up, my father was well-connected, and important figures from government and business would frequently visit our home. When other parents would have sent their children to play, my father always encouraged my presence and would let me sit by him so that I could listen to the debates and discussions!

I was always welcomed to ask whatever questions came to mind, and in turn, my father made sure everyone around is listening.

Being around the table with prominent leaders taught me at a young age that they are like everyone else, have their own challenges. My childhood prepared me to ask probing questions and discover the “why” behind what powerful leaders were saying and feeling.

Then many young years passed with me reading, practicing and reflecting on others all until I reached my 18 year old, and decided to take things forward at school

Dr Areej - Spark Back

I studied deeper into the root causes of challenges

Soaking up every bit of knowledge and experience I could get my hands on, I spent 11 years studying and mastering the profession, and became fascinated by successful leaders mind and behavior, especially interested in the link between a person’s past experiences and their present-day choices

Then more than 15 years of practice

I started my career as a therapist in a mental health hospital, where I experienced my first career setback.  I didn’t find myself helping people with severe disorders. Determined to find a role where I could truly make a difference, I became a school counselor, yet I enjoyed helping the head of the school with management challenges more than my primary role of helping students. This realization led me to discover my passion for working with leaders.

With this newfound passion, I transitioned to the corporate world, where I started as a therapist for employees in a tech company. I helped them achieve their business targets by identifying their individual talents and excel in their roles.

After four and a half years, I was promoted to HR manager, which gave me the authority to reflect the founder’s vision and culture into reality by working on people and policies.  Despite the satisfaction that came with this position, I felt that something was still missing. I joined multiple national tech companies and had the opportunity to be a part of their success stories by turning their business plans into tangible successes.

During this time, I recognized that working on the strategic level of a company was more fulfilling than working on the actual execution of the plans.

I was eager to meet founders and help them resolve any inner conflicts that may be affecting their business vision. With this in mind, I took the courageous step of quitting my well-paid job and establishing my own company


Then the "Spark" came through!

In 2016, I founded “spark back”, aiming to help leaders discover their authentic, and fulfilling mission in life.

Spark back clients were the true inspiration for its philosophy and methodology.  After working with 100s of leaders from 20 industry in more than 21 countries, I found that leaders at their 40s develop a new way of thinking and living which has a huge refection on their business.

That phase of life is very tricky and challenging and needs special care to pass it with a new level of success that speaks well to their ambition. I found the solution in the combination of psychology principle, coaching tools, and tailored business practices and this sets the foundation of “Spark Back Model”.  

Today spark back is dedicated to support female businessowners in clarifying their vision and translate it to reality with confidence and peace.

Education and Accreditation​

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University of Jordan

Ph. D Field of Study Psychological and Educational Counseling

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IPEC Coaching

CPC life and Business Coach, Certified life and Business Coach ELI- MP, Certified Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI- MP)

Spark Back -Cornell Uni

Cornell University

Certified Employee Relations Specialist

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International Coach Federation

Associate Certified Coach (ACC) Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

Areej helped me dream again and realize that trauma and past doesn't have to be my consistent future or even my present and as a result, you take a step forward into the potential of who you actually are
Spark Back - USA
Lead Genetic Counselor
Key organization

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