
Episode 16: Rola Mohammad

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Episode 16: Rola Mohammad

Rola Mohammad is the co-founder and CEO of ViaVii, an AI-powered travel experience recommendation engine. ViaVii relieves travelers from the hassle of finalizing the last leg of their trips. ViaVii was selected as one of the 22 finalists of the MENA Innovation Challenge of 2020.

Rola is an innovative and performance-driven entrepreneur with a deep passion for products and over a decade of experience in business leadership. In 2014, Rola was selected as one of the top 10 innovative startups in the Gulf region by Hadafi Women Entrepreneurship Competition and was chosen to be their ambassador. She serves as a founding member of Girls in Tech—Jordan Chapter, which is focused on empowering, engaging, and educating women in the technology sector. Rola is a fellow with Open Hands Fellowship & IVLP US State Program, and her latest achievement is winning Challenge 22 competition, focused on enabling technology and innovation for World Cup 2022 in Doha, Qatar.

* This episode was filmed on May 2nd, 2023.

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