Failure is Just an Illusion: It’s Time to Stop Being Held Back by Fear

Let’s Start with a Small Exercise.

Think back five to ten years ago to something you lost—whether it was a job, a relationship, the loss of someone significant in your life, or a promotion that didn’t happen—anything that felt like a huge failure or loss at the time

How do You Feel About that Failure Today?

Would you still call it a failure? Or would you consider it a changing moment that got you where you are today?

If you’re like almost all of my clients, you feel fulfilled about it. In fact, my clients answer with one of the following responses:

  • If that had worked out the way I wanted, I wouldn’t be where I am today
  • If that had happened, I wouldn’t be who I am today
  • Thank God that didn’t work out the way I wanted!
  • If I had _____ like I wanted, I would have lost everything that mattered to me
  • Oh, that would have been terrible. I had no idea at the time

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Although during that moment, every client has admitted that the “failure” they experienced at the time was catastrophic before they regained control over the situation and thought of the good lesson they learned from that experience. you can explore our latest post on Don’t Let Go of The Past

The Sense of Failure is not Permanent if you Allow Yourself to Learn from it.

For business leaders, failure often means:

  • Acquiring new knowledge
  • Opening up new opportunities for growth
  • Learning from past mistakes
  • Getting a new job
  • Initiating a new business
  • Developing new skills and abilities
  • Exerting efforts into achieving exceptional goals

If Failure Leads to Positive Changes, Why are we so Afraid of it?

Leaders certainly want to reduce the risk of failure in everything they do. Without failure, however, we don’t have growth. When we allow the fear of failure to hold us back from moving forward peacefully, we start encountering challenges that keep us from making the change we want to see in the world, creating a meaningful impact, and seizing new opportunities that drive our personal and business growth.

Read More: Something is Missing

What if We Recognize Failure and Loss as the illusions they are?

If you are able to recognize that failure and loss are just illusions created from fear, then you can get rid of that fear entirely and see challenges as experiences to learn from, whether they work out the way you want them to or not.

As a business coach, helping clients to overcome their fears is a large part of my work, and the Spark Back program has been specifically designed to help leading personalities just like you overcome their fears and challenges effortlessly, live the life you want, and transform your way of thinking.

I’d love to hear about your experiences in your life that you felt were a failure at the time but later realized were just the start of exceptional new opportunities and chapters in your life!

Feel free to comment below to share your story or send your stories to [email protected]

Read More: Even Leaders Need Change

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